Monday, November 7, 2011

World's Second Nixie Propeller Clock

Awesome, I have seen many Propeller Clock projects but I rather like this. It made of the rotating 33 LEDs line and the HDD motor.

Here is a list of some new features I includes in my Propeller Clock:

  • The clock can display Time & DATE.
  • Clock is set by RC5 remote control.
  • Displays time in Analog or digital mode mixed with or without date (digits)
  • Displays 5 minute time ticks for the analog time.
  • Using high bright green LED @ 50mA results in a good visible clock even in daylight.
  • There is now a 6*7 character generator in the PIC defining 128 character. (read more in Software section)  
  • A string, up to 128 characters long, can be stored in EEPROM and scroll over the display ! 
  • A demo mode that switched the display between Digital, Analog and Scrolling text.

Specifications:  Virtual clock made of 33 leds. Rotating arm @ 30 RPS provide an optical illusion. This is a rotary imaging technology. Several mode available. This is the only virtual clock on the market. This clock can be sold to reseller in small/large quantity. Special design is also available for quantity. Come with power supply and Infrared remote control.3 kind of display(Analogdigital and pendulum).

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